Terms & Conditions

1. Definitions
1.1 “General Terms and Conditions” refers to these terms and conditions, accessible on our business website companyofficesolution.com
1.2 “Specific Terms and Conditions” or “Extra Terms and Conditions” denotes the specific terms and conditions tailored for any product or service purchased from Company Office Solution, taking precedence over general terms and conditions in case of conflict.
1.3 “Company Office Solution,” “we,” “us,” “our,” and “ourselves” pertain to Company Office Solution Limited, registered in England, UK.

2. General
2.1 While providing services to the client, it is assumed that all client activities are lawful. Breach of this term may result in immediate termination of services.
2.2 Clients must provide updated identification documents and proof of address when required for the provided service. Failure to comply will lead to service suspension and termination without refunds.
2.3 Clients are expected to conduct their business and personal affairs honorably. Company Office Solution reserves the right to terminate services if such conduct is not met, including bad debt, complaints about business affairs, causing public offense, using services to hide from authorities, or fraudulent activities.
2.4 Company Office Solution retains the right to terminate services at its discretion.
2.5 Unless specified, all services are provided on a business-to-business basis, exempting the Consumer Rights Act 2015.

3. Forwarding & Processing
3.1 Company Office Solution aims to process and forward items the same working day, but no guaranteed time frame is implied.
3.2 Mail forwarding may be delayed due to various reasons, and clients will be notified by email. It is the client’s responsibility to maintain a valid contact email address.
3.3 “Official Mail” for Registered Address Services includes senders like Companies House and HM Revenue & Customs.
3.4 Postage costs for unofficial mail forwarding will be passed on to the client, with charges not exceeding Royal Mail's retail price plus VAT.
3.5 Freight deliveries must be pre-arranged. A postage deposit may be taken for active mail forwarding services.
3.6 When Royal Mail's standard services are not feasible, a courier service may be utilized.
3.7 A One Off Item option is available at the discretion of Company Office Solution, with the fee listed on the website.

4. Liabilities
4.1 Company Office Solution is not responsible for loss or damage to client items. Clients are urged to insure items in possession.
4.2 Rejected deliveries and associated costs are not the liability of Company Office Solution.
4.3 Clients are responsible for ensuring appropriate goods in transit cover when forwarding items.

5. Payment Methods
5.1 A current active payment method is required. Services may be suspended if payment methods become invalid.
5.2 Continuous payment authority is granted for renewable services or extra charges, processed on the original card.

6. Refunds
6.1 Non-Business Services provide a 14-day cancellation period with a £5.00incVAT administration fee.
6.2 Business to Business Services do not offer a cooling-off period.
6.3 Refunds for Registered Address Service are subject to specific conditions.

7. Force Majeure
7.1 Company Office Solution is not liable for delays or failures outside its control.
7.2 In case of a Force Majeure event lasting over 14 days, either party may cancel the agreement.

8. Your Privacy and Data Protection
8.1 Personal data is treated confidentially. Refer to the Privacy Policy on https://companyofficesolution.com for details.

9. Invoicing, Fees & Other Charges
9.1 Full payment is required within the specified term. Late payment fees and interest may apply.
9.2 Company Office Solution reserves the right to charge fees for late payments or non-payment of invoices.
9.3 Holding charges may apply for parcels not forwarded within the allowed holding period.
9.4 Dis-honorable visits may incur charges.
9.6 Freight deliveries must be pre-arranged to avoid additional charges.

10. Cancellation of Services
10.1 Service cancellation requests must be made in writing via email to [email protected].
10.2 Terms for cancellation of yearly Registered Address Services are specified.
10.3 Terms for cancellation of yearly Virtual Office Services are outlined. 10.4 Monthly rolling services cease on the next renewal date upon cancellation notification.

11. Miscellaneous
11.1 Unlawful provisions are severed. Specific terms prevail in case of conflict.
11.2 All terms and conditions are subject to change, and clients will be notified of changes.
11.3 No third party has the right to enforce terms under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.
11.4 Address verification codes are forwarded with certain Virtual Office Packages.

12. Notices
12.1 Notices are to be written in English and sent to the usual business address.
12.2 Notices may be personally delivered, sent by post, facsimile, or electronic mail.
12.3 Notices are deemed given when sent.

13. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
13.1 The United Kingdom laws govern website use and product/service purchase, with exclusive jurisdiction of English courts.

14. Waiver
14.1 No waiver by Company Office Solution shall prejudice future enforcement of rights.
14.2 All terms and conditions are subject to change, with clients notified of changes.